To Journal or Not–A Big Question Jacqueline Just thinking March 21, 2011 0I’ve decided to “journal.” My plan is to make daily entries over the next 365 days. I admire everyone who...
A Bit Late for the New Year, but thankful anyway. Jacqueline Just thinking February 12, 2011 0I fear I’ve reached the age where the deaths of friends and acquaintances are becoming frequent, where aches and pains,...
Fanmail from some flounder?! Jacqueline Just thinking October 14, 2010 0Yes, anyone can find you these days. No need for the phonebook, the postman or private detectives. Nearly everything you’ve...
Girrrrl, what are you doing? Jacqueline Just thinking June 28, 2010 0Working. And that’s the truth. Writing. Researching. Revising. Writing some more. Thinking. Re-revising. Listening. Re-re-vising . . . Such is...